Five Factors that Ensure Good Performance
PRIME II’s Performance Improvement approach applied principles fine-tuned during several decades of research and experience in industrial environments to primary health care settings in developing countries. It’s clear that staff members need a certain set of basic inputs to perform well. Each organization is responsible for ensuring that the five performance factors are present in the work lives of their staff members.
Clear job expectations
Beginning with clearly articulated performance expectations linked to clinic goals, staff and supervisors agree on specifics that are reflected in job descriptions or written down for continued reference. Through this interactive process, job expectations are clarified.
Immediate performance feedback
The lines of communication established during the creation of job expectations are important, two-way information routes. When they remain open to offer feedback on performance, workers know how they’re performing as compared with their job expectations or standards.
Adequate physical environment and tools
To work effectively, the staff requires a certain amount and level of work space, as well as instruments, medicine and other supplies specific to their jobs. A close look at these environmental factors can yield valuable insights into performance challenges.
Motivation: The incentive to do well
While staff members usually want to perform well, a number of factors can cause them to lack the motivation to follow through as energetically as possible on that desire. When workers are given incentives to make the extra effort, including recognition of good performance, they often respond with enthusiasm.
Appropriate knowledge and skills
Once staff members are adequately supported in their work environments, they must have a thorough understanding of how to do their jobs.