PRIME II Technical Reports
Most PRIME II Technical Reports detail specific reproductive health care interventions, describing the context, methodology and results of a PRIME project and recommendations from its evaluation. Other reports focus on findings from needs assessments conducted prior to a training intervention or document follow-up studies that ascertain how well health care providers have retained the knowledge and skills they acquired during training. Research studies testing new approaches to service delivery were sometimes published as PRIME technical reports, often with implications for health care policies in particular countries.
Postabortion Complications and Their Management: A Community Assessment Conducted in Rural Uttar Pradesh, India (June 2001)
Report No. 23
PRIME provided support for research teams to conduct exploratory research
on postabortion care provision in rural Uttar Pradesh. The results show that
even though the type of postabortion care provided in rural villages can
worsen a woman’s situation, community-based providers are likely to remain the first point of contact for many women with abortion complications.