Transfer of Learning
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Co-workers and Others - Before Learning
Co-workers and Others During Learning

Participate in needs assessments and discussions of the training's intended impact

You and your co-workers can make important contributions to the performance improvement and training process even though you may not attend the training event. Try using some of the procedures described below to help learners transfer new knowledge and skills to your work site.

  • Participate in the needs assessments: help gather information, give honest feedback about individual and work site needs as you perceive them, and discuss findings with your co-workers and your supervisor.
  • Participate in discussions with your supervisor and co-workers about how the training is supposed to improve services. Be aware of these training goals and the action plans of the learners so that you can be supportive.

Share your thoughts and ideas with others. Training interventions require a supportive, helpful work place in order to be successful.

Ask learners to bring back key learning points to share with the work group

You and other staff at the work site can benefit from the learning experiences of your co-worker(s). In the days prior to the learning event, make a point of talking with learners to encourage them and let them know that you share their excitement and are interested in what they will be learning. Also let them know that you look forward to helping them transfer what they have learned when they return to work. If you have specific interest or expertise in the content area, you may want to give them a list of questions that you would like them to discuss with the trainer or ask them to bring back resource materials to share.

Co-workers and Others During Learning